As soon as I've gotten everyones sizes in I will be placing the order for the bridesmaids dresses. I have 8 bridesmaids and two junior bridesmaids. Although this has made it a little more difficult to plan, I wouldn't change my bridal party for the world because they are all so so important to me. Look for a blog post someday soon-ish about them and why they are so amazing. We ordered the tuxes a long time ago.
Here's what the dresses for the bridesmaids look like:
I haven't quite decided between the green and the blue.
The junior bridesmaids will be wearing whatever color I don't choose for the bridesmaids in dresses I want to have made. I want them to look like Dakota Fanning's dress in "The Secret Life of Bees." Unfortunately, she wears this dress in a funeral scene. Don't hold it against the dress. Also, try to overlook the poor picture quality. It's taken me forever to find a picture.
The guys will be wearing traditional morning suits. I'm glad I can get away with that, since it actually is a daytime wedding. I can't find a picture of the actual suit but it looks kinda like this one...the difference being that none of our groomsmen look like 1990's catalog models.
That's all folks!